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2019 Was the Deadliest Year On Record For the LGBT+ Community In Ecuador

Last year was the deadliest year in at least a decade for the LGBT+ community in Ecuador. According to the Ecuadorian LGBT+ rights group Silueta X Association, there were 16 murders involving LGBT+ people in 2019. Most of the victims were trans women. 

The group Silueta X Association started keeping track in 2010. In 2018 it registered 2 LGBT+ murders. 

“As the year went on, we were realizing that the statistics of murders were terrible,” said Diane Rodriguez, director of Silueta X and president of the Ecuadorian Federation of LGBTI Organizations.

“It’s tough seeing images of someone looking happy on social media, and then all of a sudden they’re gone,” she told the 'Thomson Reuters Foundation'.

LGBT+ hate crimes are common in South America where conservation religious values are strongly held and widespread violence is on the rise. 

Read related myGwork articles here:

LGBT+ Murders Have Reached ‘Alarming’ Levels in Latin America

331 Trans People Killed This Year

19 Trans People Killed In The U.S.A. in 2019

The LGBT+ Victims of So-called ‘Honour’-based Violence

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