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5 tips on getting ahead at work


1.     Always look presentable

Don’t show up to work looking like you just rolled out of bed. Get a good night sleep and make sure you have enough time in the morning to shower, wear clean clothes, and make yourself look presentable. Looking the part will always help you get ahead.

2.     Don’t engage in gossip

Try not to engage in gossip and negative talk with co-workers, try to add positivity to the conversation. Negativity pulls people down, positivity can bring people up.

3.     If you have some free time, do something useful

If you’ve finished your project and have some downtime, why not find something else useful to do. Whether it’s cleaning your workspace or getting ahead on the next day’s work, filling in your downtime will show your superiors you’re a self-starter and responsible.

4.     Try your best at every task

At work, you can sometimes be given a menial task that feels unimportant and tiresome. Try not to rush it just so it can be done quickly. Take your time to get it right and show that you can reliably handle every task with professionalism.

5.     Seek out the right mentors

Look for other people in your work who are the top employees, it’s often the ones managers defer to or give tasks to that have priority. Seek out their advice and learn how they do their job. Ask plenty of questions and watch what they do in their downtime. 

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