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76% Of LGBT+ People Are Voting For Joe Biden, Only 17% Support Trump, Poll Finds

A poll commissioned by GLAAD found that 75% of LGBT+ voters support Democratic candidate Joe Biden in the upcoming presidential election, while only 17% support Donald Trump.

As ‘NBC News’ reports, the poll also found that LGBT+ people have a more favourable opinion of the Democratic candidate, with 57% saying they have a favourable opinion of Biden while only 16% saying the same of Trump. Kamala Harris also had a higher favourability rating compared to Mike Pence, getting support from 50% of LGBT+ people to Pence’s 16%.

According to data from UCLA’s Williams Institute released last November, 1 in 5 LGBT+ Americans were not registered. But GLAAD President and CEO Sarah Kate Ellis says there’s been a surge in voter registration this year.

“LGBTQ voters are poised to make a deciding difference this election year,” Ellis said in a statement. “Our community understands how much is at stake in this election. We cannot sit this one out — our very lives are on the line.”

In a memo to GLAAD, Pathfinder confirmed that LGBT+ voters “represent a highly motivated, vital Democratic voting bloc.”

GLAAD said they were motivated to commission the poll after the gay app Hornet released the results of an unscientific web poll that found that 45% of queer men planned to vote for Trump.

“In contradiction to unscientific polling released by another entity, this survey shows Biden holding a substantial lead among LGBTQ voters of all sexual orientations and gender identities, including those who identify as gay men,” Pathfinder Opinion Research, which conducted the poll, wrote in a summary of the poll’s results.

The poll found that 79% of gay men said they were going to vote for Biden and only 17% said they will vote for Trump.

“The poll should put to rest the misinformation from unreliable sources about where critical LGBTQ voters stand in this election, misinformation that’s unfortunately been repeated in the media,” said GLAAD President and CEO Sarah Kate Ellis.

The poll also found that 88% of LGBT+ people are registered to vote and 81% said that they’re more motivated to vote than in previous elections. Among the registered voters, 92% said that they’re likely to vote.

As ‘LGBTQ Nation’ reports, the poll was conducted from September 21 to 25 and included 800 adults who identified as LGBT+. The results were weighted by gender, age, race, education, and geographic region using data previously collected by the Williams Institute.

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