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90 Percent of Queer Women Say They Face Unfair Stereotypes in the Media

A new study from UM Media has found that an overwhelming 90 percent of gay women feel they are unfairly and negatively portrayed by the media.


UM surveyed 500 women who identified as queer and asked them about the stereotypes they found the most offensive in popular media.


82 percent said the stereotype that in a same-sex relationship there is always one woman who is the “man” and one who is the “woman” was offensive. 75 percent said assuming gay women always cut their hair short, and 74 percent said the stereotype that lesbians have to be “butch and manly”.


Respondents also took issue with the media showing them as “man haters” and that the only reason they are gay is because “they have had a bad experience with a man that made them queer.”


Michael Brown, head of insight at UM, said these results show a “worrying amount of stigma” faced by the queer female community.


“Brands and the media should put effort into raising the visibility of queer women and challenging damaging stereotypes, as it can help to break down societal barriers as well.”

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