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Barry Humphries Doubles Down on Anti-Trans Remarks

Barry Humphries, the creator of Dame Edna, has seemingly doubled down on transphobic remarks he made in 2016.


In 2016, he came the defence of his friend Germaine Greer, the outspoken feminist author and activist, who had described trans women as “men who believe that they are women and have themselves castrated.”


Humphries agreed, saying: “I agree with Germaine! You’re a mutilated man, that’s all. Self-mutilation, what’s all this carry on? Caitlyn Jenner—what a publicity-seeking ratbag.” 


In an interview with The Sunday Times Magazine Humphries insisted his remarks had “been more grotesquely interpreted.”


“Edna carefully said she thought that men who had themselves castrated did not become women, and that got taken the wrong way,” he added.


Humphries also denied Dame Edna was a lesbian in the interview:“As she once said, she doesn’t even like the word. It leaves a nasty taste in her mouth.”

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