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Crimean Theatre Company Forced to Apologise to Russia for Lesbian Kiss in Performance

A Crimean theatre company has been forced to apologise to Russia for depicting a same-sex kiss in a youth theatre performance, reports the BBC.


The performance was put on by a group called Territoria as part of a Gogol Centre theatre lab during the Tavrida Festival.


Territoria apologised for the kiss but said that it would not take responsibility because they did not know “the fragment that caused a controversial response” would take place.


In 2013, Russia passed a “gay propaganda” law which forbade the depiction of any “non-traditional sexual relationships.” 


Alexander Khinshteyn, a pro-Kremlin parliament member, said the theatre piece clearly went against this law: “Not only is an investigation by the prosecutor’s office necessary, access to all state theatres and all state platforms should be closed for them!”

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