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How to make a good impression at work

1.  Own your mistakes 

Everybody makes mistakes and when you do don’t try and cover it up and ignore it. Take responsibility and come up with a solution. While no one will be happy with your mistake, you’ll gain respect for fixing it.

2. Be calm in a crisis 

When the unexpected happens don’t panic, keep calm and actively help find solutions. You don’t want to be employee who loses their head.

3. Remember office etiquette

Don’t spend all day on Facebook or checking your phone, be polite, and keep conversations friendly and appropriate.

4. Be prepared and manage your time

Work out what you can realistically achieve in a day and a create a plan to follow through on it. Hand projects in on time, or before they are due.

5. It’s okay to call in sick

You’re not a hero if you come into the office will a killer flu. It’s alright to call in sick when you need to, or even offer to work from home. No one wants a sick employee who’s unproductive and spreading illness.


Tim Gibson - myGwork


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