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Kansas Lawmakers Introduce Bill That Defines Same-Sex Unions As “Parody Marriage”

A Kansas lawmaker has introduced two new bills that would define same-sex unions as “parody marriage” and heterosexual partnerships as “elevated”, reports the Hutchinson News.


Bill 2321 wants to instate an optional form of marriage called “elevated” that would be restricted to heterosexuals pledging to “heightened standards of commitment.”


These marriages would be in contrast to “parody marriages” which the bill defines as “a form of nonsecular marriage that tends to erode community standards of decency, unlike secular marriage between a man and a woman, who have reached the age of consent.”


The bill then compares gay marriages to bestiality and marrying an object: “The term ‘parody marriage’ refers to so-called marriages between more than two people, persons of the same sex, a person and an animal, or a person and an object.”


It also calls the LGBT+ community “a denominationalsect that is inseparably part of the religion of secular humanism” that adopted “the gay pride rainbow coloured flag to symbolize its faith-based worldview.”


LGBT+ group Equality Kansas has called out the bill, with executive director Thomas Wittdescribing it as “the most vile, hateful and disrespectful legislation I have seen in my 14 years as Equality Kansas’ lobbyist.”


“We have never seen this level of extremist vitriol laid out in legislative language. These marriage bills combined are 18 pages of insults and name calling. The sponsors of these bills should be ashamed of themselves.”

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