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Lesbian Couples Are More Likely To Divorce Than Gay Couples

The number of same-sex couples being divorced is growing and it looks like lesbian couples are more likely to get divorced than gay couples. 

As the ‘Economist’ reports by the end of 2018 900 same-sex couples had divorced and nearly three-quarters go them were female.

Gay couples account for 44% of same-sex marriages but make up only 26% divorces.

In the Netherlands, the first country to allow same-sex marriage, between the years 2005-2015 15% of gay marriages failed but 30% of lesbian marriages ended in divorce. 

Lisa Power, one of the co-founders of gay-rights Charity Stonewall believes that this high divorce rate among lesbian couples has to do with the fact that lesbians move quicker from a first date to marriage. “We all used to move in with each other at the drop of a hat,” she said. 

Another interesting piece of information is that lesbians are more likely to have been married before. Almost 18% of women who formed civil partnerships were divorcees as opposed to 10% of men.

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