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LGBT+ murder rate has increased a massive 90 percent in the US

The National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs (NCAVP) has released its annual report on anti-LGBT+ hate crimes in America. The results have seen an 86 percent rise in homicides, from 28 in 2016 to 52 in 2017.

Transgender women of colour were the largest victims of homicide, with last year seeing 27 trans people killed – all but three of them were women of colour. The homicide rate of gay/bisexual men increased 500 percent, from four in 2016 to twenty in 2017.

The NCAVP has said it has released these results to raise awareness “of the crisis of fatal violence against LGBTQ and HIV affected communities… NCAVP hopes that this sharing this information now will encourage people to reject anti-LGBTQ bias whenever it occurs and to resist any hateful rhetoric or policies put forward by this administration or by legislators.”

The group has been tracking hate-crimes against the LGBT+ community since 1996, it aims to “prevent, respond to, and end all forms of violence against and within lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and HIV-affected communities.”

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