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Marvel Introduces Its First On-Screen Trans Character in Jessica Jones

The Marvel Cinematic Universe finally has its first trans character in the form of Jessica Jones’ new assistant on the hit Netflix show, reports iNews


Openly trans actress Aneesh Sheth, who plays the role, has described it has “avoiding sensationalism”.


“I am transgender and the character of Gillian is also trans. But there’s no mention of her being trans within the show, nor a narrative around her identity,” she explained.


“Which I think is wonderful because trans people exist in the world and it’s not always about their [trans] narrative.


“I had a big discussion with Melissa Rosenberg [the creator of Jessica Jones] about where we thought Gillian came from, and her background. That’s very exciting as an actor, to be able to have a say in where I want this story to go. Marginalised actors are getting the power to create narratives within shows like this. I think that’s really important.”

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