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New York Yankees to Provide Scholarships For LGBT+ College Students

In celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall riots, what many consider the beginning of the modern gay rights movement, the New York Yankees will provide $50,000 worth of scholarships to LGBT+ students, the Washington Blade reports.


Dubbed the “Yankees-Stonewall Scholars Initiative,”the program will provide five college students $10,000 scholarships, each student will come from one of New York City’s five boroughs.


In addition to this, the Yankees will hold a series of “LGBTQ community-themed commemorations”over the course of the next year.


“The Yankees wholeheartedly support equality for all individuals and applaud any efforts which make our society more inclusive and tolerant,” said Yankees managing general partner Hal Steinbrenner.


“It is our hope that this scholarship program will serve as a springboard for young LGBTQ student community members and advocates as they continue the pursuit of their dreams, ambitions and livelihoods.”


Some have speculated this scholarship program has come in response to criticism the Yankees faced for being one of only two Major League Baseball clubs not to hold an LGBT+ Pride night over summer.

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