Police Investigating Viral Video of Hate Crime at Waltham Forest Pride
Police are investigating a hate crime which took place at Waltham Forest Pride over the weekend (July 27) after a video made the rounds on social media.
The video shows a woman in a niqab shouting at a pride participant dressed in a rainbow flag.
“Shame on you. God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve,” she can be heard saying.
She continues to call the parade goers “shameless” and “despicable”.
“We are aware of footage circulating on social media of abuse directed at those taking part in the Waltham Forest Pride event and enquiries are taking place,” the police have said in a statement.
“Abusing someone because of their sexual orientation or gender identity is a hate crime and we would encourage victims and those who were there when this took place to come forward.
“If you have been verbally or physically abused, harassed or attacked in any way by someone because you are or they think you are LGBT+ please report these crimes to the police.”
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