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Putin Calls Trans People “Transformers” at G20 Summit

Russian President Vladimir Putin referred to trans people as “transformers” at the recent G20 Summit.


Responding to criticism from Elton John of Russia’s abhorrent LGBT+ record, Putin said “They’ve thought up six or five genders – transformers, trans… I don’t even understand what it is myself.


“They need to stop violently imposing their point of view on others.” 


The Russian LGBT Network responded by sending a package to Putin’s offices filled with informational brochures on the LGBT+ community.


“The majority of human rights organisations and human rights activists actively working in Russia have repeatedly expressed and support the agenda of protecting the rights of LGBT people,” said Svetlana Zakharova, a member ofthe Russian LGBT Network.


“Counselling citizens on violations of their rights based on sexual orientation or gender identity is an important part of the work of a human rights advocate. Thus, in 2018, 245 people turned to the Russian LGBT network for legal assistance, the hotline was called 2,050 times, 629 people asked for psychological help.”

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