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5 Reasons Other Graduates Should Join My Organization

  • One of the first things I noticed when joining RS just over three months ago was the multicoloured lanyards around most employee’s necks… not being part of the LGBT+ community myself I was unsure what this was about and why so many people wore these lanyards. However, RS has helped me to learn more about the community. Offering all employees, the opportunity to attend regular Spectrum sessions the LGBT+ community helps to explain and educate all employees which a great thing for a global company in the 21st century.

Matt Fry - Content Enrichment Executive

  • As a recent graduate, one of the first things I was searching for when hunting for my first ‘proper job’ was an organisation where I have an opportunity to grow as a person. RS gives equal opportunity to all of its employees and this in itself gives me a lot of motivation and drive to come to work and perform to the best of my ability.

  • One thing that I have been seriously impressed with since working at RS has been its ability to give a voice to people that haven’t necessarily had one before. It takes into consideration the wellbeing of everyone in the company. A recent project saw employees giving real-life accounts of what they have been through in their personal life… from how they have been able to overcome mental health… to experiences they’ve had with gender transitioning.

  • Spectrum runs tons of different events throughout the year, inside as well as outside of the business. RS sponsored this year’s pride event in my home town of Kettering, people from all over the business turned up to the event and showed their support.

  • Finally, working at RS components has not only enabled me to meet hundreds of inspirational colleagues but also friends. I’ve already been able to learn so much from people around the business and I think with time this will only help my personal development in the future, helping me to fulfil my career ambitions and becoming an overall better person.


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