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Russian MP Believes Teaching Yoga to Prisoners Will Make Them Gay

Russian MP Yelena Mizulina, the writer of the country’s “gay propaganda” laws has said that teaching yoga to prisoners will make them gay.


The MP forwarded a complaint from a Russian theologian to the prison service asking for all yoga classes to be stopped because they could cause “uncontrollable arousal.”


“Newly formed yogi-homosexuals, most of whom work in the household service, will come into conflict with other prisoners who adhere to prison concepts,” the theologian,Alexander Dvorkinsaid in his complaint.


The prison briefly suspended yoga, but has reinstated the classes.


“The whole world is engaged in it [yoga], and no one is harmed by it and no one will be drawn to homosexuality. Even if it did, we live in a democracy and everyone has the right to choose their own way,” said Valery Maksimenko, Deputy Head of the prison service.

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