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The Trump Administration is “Undoing Decades Of Civil And Human Rights Progress”, Civil Rights Agency Says

According to a new report by the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, the Trump administration is “undoing decades of civil and human rights progress”, especially when it comes to LGBT+ issues.

According to ‘NBC News’ ]the report has criticised several policy changes the Trump administration has done concerning the LGBT+ community.

“In addition to using the budget and other processes to undermine civil rights enforcement, the Administration has also changed course in many substantive civil rights policy areas,” Karen Narasaki, one of the commission’s eight members, stated in the report. “An obvious example is this Administration’s rollback of efforts to combat LGBTQ discrimination.”

“The changes I’ve watched unfold since 2016 are truly unprecedented in the nearly 30 years I have worked in the nation’s Capital,” she added. “This Administration is not just shifting enforcement priorities, they are undoing decades of civil and human rights progress.”

Catherine E. Lhamon, the chair of the commission, said the report was “overdue” and said the findings are “devastating.”

“The Trump administration has been as vocal as it is possible to be about its dismissal of LGBTQ rights as worth protecting,” Lhamon said. “It will take us a very long time to dig out from under the damage this administration has caused to civil rights in this county.”

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