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Trump Administration Has No Plans To Reverse Trans Military Ban

United States President Donald Trump sees like he has no plans to reverse his trans military ban. 

When asked if he would reconsider his transphobic three-year-old policy “in any capacity” he responded: “I can’t hear you.” When asked the question a second time Trump replied: I cannot hear a word you are saying.”

In an email to the publication, Judd Deere – White House Deputy Press Secretary – said the ban will remain in place.

“Current policy regarding transgender military service was developed in consultation with senior military officials, medical experts and combat veterans who determined that the previous policy eroded military readiness and unit cohesion,” Deere said. “The White House has no policy announcements at this time.”

As ‘Gay Times’ reported, in 2019, the Supreme Court granted Trump’s request to ban trans people from serving the military, meaning trans people will face a number of challenging requirements if they want to serve their country. They can refuse potential recruits who have transitioned and have a history of ‘gender dysphoria’.

Earlier this year, several trans people spoke out about being unable to serve, despite their wishes to do so.

“I almost feel like a caged animal – I’m just kind of standing here on the sidelines watching everything happen in front of me,” explained Nic Talbott. “I am capable, qualified and willing to do more, but there’s this barrier in front of me that makes absolutely no sense.”

John Roberts, a trans man who wants to be part of the National Guard, said: “It’s probably the most frustrating thing I’ve had to deal with in my entire life. I’m ready, I’m here, I’m willing, I’m qualified. I want to get out there. And I want to help.”

Jennifer Dane, the interim executive director of Modern Military Association of America, said: “As our nation faces seemingly unprecedented challenges, it’s crucially important that the military return to an inclusive policy that allows any qualified patriot to serve.

“With this vote, the U.S. House of Representatives just sent a powerful message that bigotry and discrimination should have no place in our Armed Forces. We urge the full Congress to ensure this critically important amendment is passed.”

Read related myGwork articles here:

House Democrats Call On Military To End Ban On Trans Service, In Light Of Supreme Court Decision

U.S. Navy Has Granted A Waiver Allowing A Trans Sailor To Serve Openly

Calls Grow For Trans Military Ban To Be Lifted In The U.S.

House of Representatives Votes to End Trump’s Trans Military Ban

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