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Empowering Others Through Diversity and Inclusion at ABB

Erika Sanchez, Learning and Talent Development Partner at ABB, spoke to myGwork about her commitment to creating an environment where individuals can be their true selves. With a diverse background and experiences in different countries, Erika emphasizes the significance of being an ally, both as a colleague and a company, by listening, understanding, and taking proactive steps to create a more inclusive workplace.


Diversity is the mix, Inclusion makes the mix work; equity grants balance, and belonging boosts it! I have always been a curious mind that feels its commitment to supporting the creation of that environment in which we can all be our true selves, as it is said in ABB: to come as we are. That is why D&I (DEIB) was, is, and will be at the core; I even grew with it without truly knowing it.  


My name is Erika, I am Mexican-Spanish and after studying, living, working, and traveling in different countries, I am part now of the ABB team as a Learning and Talent Development Partner for RA based in Munich. The fortune to be in touch with different people, from different cultures, generations and backgrounds is what has motivated me to be a champion and ally, trying to be a better one each day, like the ones I would like my sister to have.  


What comes to your head when listening to the word “diversity”? Probably visible differences (gender, generation, race) or even the ones not- visible (thought, religion, interest); but the middle ones, the ones that risked being “invisible”, are the ones more difficult to get support. For example, physical disabilities, like rheumatism, as degenerative as challenging, this illness changed my sister’s life.  


Yes, being a caregiver may not be easy, but certainly, it is an eye-opener and an everyday learning journey, at least, it has been for me. Diagnosed at the age of 8 y-old (after many wrong attempts); that little girl, now a 26 y-old physiologist, has been an example of courage, resilience, consistency, and love; of course, with ups and downs, but transforming the experience into a reminder of how to help others.  


Of course, I wanted to support her and to do so, I had to re-define my role as the old-sis: I did a lot of research to understand the physical, psychological, and emotional implications; I worked as well with myself to readjust and find the best way to accompany her with empathy. I had to be more flexible too: helping a bit more at home, doing some tasks that she should avoid, or giving a hand to my mom- who always has been with her in the many medical appointments. She has also led the way in looking for institutions that guide her better in “all this”.


So, what could be my advice to be an ally or an ambassador? As a colleague, listen and understand the situation, get informed about what the disability means; take accountability, contribute no matter your role, and be part of the dialogue; ask that person how you can better support: sometimes it means time, workload distribution, or just a talk. Be an active and humble learner, break the bias, speak up, and share ideas or suggestions to create a more inclusive workplace.  


My call to action to the companies? Ensure you have conciliation policies, meaning the facilitation of medical appointments, flexible working – a lot of time typing for example may cause pain-; access to benefits like the Employee Assistance Program in ABB, the support to the ERG to promote a space that makes visible and gives a name to the no-mention or unknown diversity aspects, the consideration of D&I in the end-to-end employee journey, from the talent attractiveness to the talent acquisition, the onboarding, the learning platforms, the development programs: live and experience without barriers; and last but not least, social responsibility, contribute to the development of an inclusive mindset of their teams means a contribution to a more inclusive, equal and supportive society. Even strengthening networks with NGOs or associations brings us more “aha moments”, that keep us aware of the big role we all can play.  


Let’s be the ally that we would like to have for our family, friends, and colleagues… let’s learn from each other, be aware of the differences, and use them as reasons to create, find inspiration, motivation, synergies, dialogues, and bridges. 

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