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Join our Lesbian Visibility Week campaign and show your support!

In honor of Lesbian Visibility Week, we’re calling for lesbians and allies to the lesbian community to participate in our social media campaign, aimed at elevating and supporting the lesbian community and LGBTQ+ women.

According to our study published last year, a staggering three-quarters of LGBTQ+ women and non-binary professionals feel hesitant to come out completely, indicating a pervasive sense of reluctance driven largely by high rates of discrimination. This is amplified for those from marginalized communities, people of color, and ethnic minority groups, with gender nonconforming and queer individuals facing the highest rates of discrimination.

Beyond workplace discrimination, the study also reveals how sexual orientation and gender identity can impact career advancement and opportunities for professional growth. An overwhelming 79% of study participants across different age groups believe that LGBTQ+ women and non-binary individuals face greater hurdles in breaking the glass ceiling compared to heterosexual cisgender women. Despite the presence of allyship and visible LGBTQ+ role models at work, the road to progress remains arduous for many within these communities. 

In light of these findings, we invite you to join us in our campaign by saving one of our graphics below to show your support for the lesbian community and raise visibility on social media.

Save this image and share on your socials using the hashtag #WorkingWithPride.

Save this image and share on your socials using the hashtag #WorkingWithPride.

Save this image and share on your socials using the hashtag #WorkingWithPride.

Together, we can amplify the voices of the lesbian community, challenge discrimination, and work towards a more inclusive and equitable workplace for all. Let's stand together to advocate for change, celebrate diversity, and empower LGBTQ+ women and non-binary individuals to thrive and succeed. 

myGwork is the official sponsor of Diva Magazine's #LesbianVisibilityWeek.

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