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Desayuno de Buenas Prácticas: Cómo Ser un Referente para el Talento Diverso en el Sector Asegurador

El miércoles 13 de marzo a las 9:30 tendrá lugar un desayuno de buenas prácticas dirigido a profesionales de Recursos Humanos de las empresas del sector Asegurador y a sus ERG LGBTQ+ (Grupos de Recursos para el Personal, por sus siglas en inglés).


Este  evento tiene como objetivo conocer y sensibilizar sobre la situación de las personas LGBTQ+ en el ámbito del trabajo, así como trabajar la diversidad e inclusión de forma efectiva y transversal para la atracción y retención de talento. Conocer y compartir buenas prácticas en este sector, como impulso a la innovación y creatividad.

Evento privado: requiere invitación de myGwork, Manpower Group o Red EWI / INESE 

Lugar: The Social Hub (TSH), Cuesta de San Vicente 28, Madrid



9:10 - 9:30. Recepción de asistentes


9:30- 9:35. Bienvenida por parte de Susana Pérez, directora general de INESE y fundadora de #RedEWI Red EWI

9:35 - 9:50. Datos de los estudios de LGBTQ+ D&I en el ámbito Europa y España, Vicenç Alvaro, marketing director EMEA de Manpower Group


9:50 - 10:10. myGwork, como herramienta de atracción de talento diverso y agenda 2024, Miguel Garzón, director general de myGwork en España y Latinoamérica


10:10 - 10:30. Buenas Prácticas en el sector Asegurador. Te animamos a compartir y conocer las acciones de diversidad e inclusión que se están desarrollando en vuestra organización y otras empresas.


  • M
    Miguel Garzón
    Miguel Garzón
    Director para Iberia y Latinoamérica
    Director de myGwork en España y LatAm con una larga trayectoria profesional y de formación en Reino Unido y Sudáfrica. Experiencia tanto en el sector público como privado, liderando equipos profesionales.
  • Vicenç Alvaro
    Vicenç Alvaro
    Sales & Marketing Lead, Europe
    An entire life committed to marketing, brand strategy, product development, & business design. I think innovation is the life force of business and marketing is its heartbeat. With over 16 years in marketing, 15 years in services, 10 years in membership products, 11 years in digital, mentoring of a bunch of start-ups and 10 years at senior management positions. I am a strong believer in the relevance of the Diversity, Equality, Inclusion and Belonging in the company to drive success whilst building a better world.
  • M
    Susana Pérez
    Susana Pérez
    general director
    Susana Pérez, General Director of INESE. Law degree from the University of Seville and a Diploma in Insurance Law from the Madrid School of Legal Practice. Specialist in communication and training in the insurance sector, my professional work has been carried out at INESE. At INESE since 1989, I have been Director of Training and Studies. In 2001, when I joined Reed Business Information (RBI), I held the position of Deputy Director of INESE and in 2007 I became Director, first at RBI and later, in 2013, as General Director in Wilmington, in its Risk & Compliance division. In 2019 I promoted #RedEWI, Empower Women in Insurance, with the aim of increasing the number of women executives in insurance, mainly in its Management Committees and Boards of Directors. EWI's mission also involves acting as an Equality Observatory for the Insurance Sector, giving visibility and recognizing the most outstanding initiatives carried out in this area and monitoring their evolution and the achievement of the objective set. In the development of my activity, I assume the functions of growth and leadership of INESE in the Spanish and Latin American markets, promoting new opportunities and synergies between all areas of the company. I have been President of the PIA (International Insurance Press Association) from January 2009 to May 2011, and I regularly participate as a speaker in specialized forums in the insurance field.
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