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LBTQ Women: Leave No Woman Behind

GiveOut invites you to join us during Lesbian Visibility Week to discuss the challenges faced by LBTQ Women worldwide, and how to ensure we leave no woman behind in the advance for equality.

This event brings together LBTQ women and allies for a fun evening of speakers, networking and reception hosted by Google. We will hear from inspiring LBTQ activists about the work they are doing to protect their communities and a panel discussion on how we can come together to support this underrepresented group within the LGBTQI community.

The LBTQ Women’s Fund has been established by GiveOut to support organisations working to advance the human rights of lesbian, bisexual, trans, and queer women around the world.

GiveOut are an award-winning international LGBTQI community foundation bringing together our community and allies to build a world where LGBTQI people can live their lives freely and fully.

Let's come together and ensure that no woman is left behind!

Supported by Google, Diva Magazine & OUTspoken Speakers

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