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WorkPride - Focus Panels for Communities: Bi-Inclusion

This series of community panels aims to explore the reality of some more misunderstood communities.

Our bi-sexual community is often misunderstood - asking people what being bi-sexual means to them is sure to yield a variety of answers. While some view the term as re-enforcing the gender binary, others apply a broader meaning. This panel aims to explore the reality of living as a bi-sexual and the challenges relating specifically to bi-inclusion.

Some key areas that will be explored are:

- What it means to be bi

- Experiences and challenges faced by our bisexual peers

- What can be done to support bi-inclusion, specifically in the workplace

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  • M
    Karl Williams
    Karl Williams
    Senior Consultant
  • M
    Saski .
    Saski .
    LGBTQ+ Inclusion Specialist Consultant
    Saski is a well established LGBTQIA+ Inclusion training consultant in both schools and the workplace. She is also a Life Coach and Mentor,  Official PRIDE Host, Interviewer for Podcast, Radio and online. Panel Moderator and Singer.  Saski’s mission is to positively spotlight the LGBTQIA+ community through these various strands of her work and create environments where everyone can be their true authentic self.  In addition she is also a Pride ambassador for Pride Life Magazine, and a PRIDE365 Champion. Saski has the unique ability to be versatile on a wide range of subjects, whilst engaging both her audiences and panellists, bringing about the best conversations for education and awareness. Humour meets grace and knowledge meets’s what Saski does best.  A keen advocate for positive promotion and equal rights for the LGBTQ+ community and all, Saski has appeared on several BBC TV and Radio shows and panels, promoting inclusion. She has also worked closely with a variety of charities and organisations, as an LGBTQ+ Inclusion trainer, interviewer, and Host.  Collaborations include Inclusive Companies, MyGwork,, Diva Magazine, Pride Life Magazine and various UK PRIDE’s, Mermaids and Diversity Role Models Youth charities, Clexacon, The British Youth Council and P3 Parenting Network to name but a few.  
Find out more here  and follow Saski on Facebook & Instagram @Saskisinger & on Twitter @Saskisinger1
  • Michael Cerasi
    Michael Cerasi
    Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Coordinator
    Michael is a Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Coordinator at Evoke. Prior to this role, he was a Senior Customer Success Manager at myGwork, the business community for LGBT+ professionals, graduates, inclusive employers and anyone who believes in workplace equality. He is the Co-Founder of Queermunity Magazine, a community-focused magazine that aims to amplify the voices and celebrate the stories of LGBT+ people and their allies. Michael volunteered as Head of Stages for you Bi Pride UK and was involved in the organisation of the first Bi Pride event in the UK. Known as The Rainbow Coach, Michael practices as a Transformational Life Coach and is a mentor for Learnest.
  • Elys LC
    Elys LC
    Life Coach, NLP MP, Reiki Master, Real Estate Broker
    Elys has been helping people find their centre and live in alignment for over 15 years. She combines science-based behavioural transformative practices with the ancient arts of energy work and intuitive card reading to provide her clients with a dynamic experience sure to impact their life. Since 2018, Elys has also been a dedicated Real Estate Broker in the "Golden Triangle" of the Algarve, Portugal, working with national and international companies to help clients find their ideal home.
  • Camille François-Nienaber
    Camille François-Nienaber
    Pride Community Lead | HRIS Analyst
    Proudly Queer, I want to stand up for everyone to be able to bring their full, great selves into the world. The workplace is a great way to start, since a lot of us spend most of our daytime there. This is why I represent the Pride community within my organisation. To provide visibility that we are indeed here, we are indeed queer, and most of all we are proud to celebrate Love in all its shapes and forms. A topic even closer to my heart is the intersectionality of identities, making sure that EVERYONE is included in the conversation.
  • LaRissa ONeal
    LaRissa ONeal
    Director of Talent and Organizational Development - Americas
    RS Americas
    As the Director of Talent and Organizational Development for RS Group Americas, I passionately believe in identifying and creating diverse and inclusive learning opportunities that meet people where they are to enable them to grow and develop on their personal and professional journeys. I am an advocate for the true, authentic representation of self and strive to create an environment where people are inspired and encouraged to share their whole selves with us.
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