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WorkPride Panel (in Spanish): Los beneficios de salir del armario en la salud mental

El “retorno al armario” es un fenómeno persistente entre las/os trabajadoras/es LGBTQ+, quienes, por miedo a la discriminación y la exclusión en su espacio laboral, deciden no hablar de su orientación sexual o identidad de género, lo que tiene serias consecuencias en su salud mental. Con este panel queremos entregar herramientas y recomendaciones clave para poner en valor la necesidad de visibilizarnos como un requisito fundamental para nuestro bienestar emocional y psicológico.  


  • M
    Cristina Gaviria Beltrán
    Cristina Gaviria Beltrán
    Creative Lead
    Cristina Gaviria Beltrán is myGwork’s creative lead artist. In her role, she oversees the visual aspects of the company. She is also dedicated to questioning non-binary visions of sexuality and intimacy in a society which often still seeks to undermine them. She celebrates the liberty of her self-exploration and experimentation and being able to work at a place like myGwork, which acts upon this in all it offers in the corporate world. Her job involves not only a practical approach to visual language, but it is also modelling the behaviour she hopes to see and taking practical steps to act upon concerns and lead transformation.
  • M
    Diversity Coach and Founder
    Diversity Coach, MBA and Founder of CoachMap. I am currently coordinator of Pride Connection Panamá. Author of "COME OUT! Las empresas también tienen que salir del closet" I´ve started my career as a financial consultant in Casin Asociados with over ten years of experience in high performance roles and leading successful initiatives. Demonstrated ability in project and personnel management with focus in customer satisfaction and cost savings. Great aptitude for team work, contributing to build a proper work climate and sharing know-how and best practice policies. Proactive, with skills to adapt to changing environments and work under deadlines. Entrepreneur and generator of business opportunities. Global Shapers' Alumni with a focus on promoting diversity inclusion in society. Check my web:
  • Israel Pina
    Israel Pina
    Finance Analyst
    Hello! I work at Moody´s as a Finance Analyst. I am a volunteer of the Pride Business Resource Groups in Costa Rica and a member of the Finance Volunteering Employee Engagement Committee.
  • Ana Ampudia
    Ana Ampudia
    Marketing Director Personal Care Mx
  • Miguel Ángel Rodríguez López
    Miguel Ángel Rodríguez López
    Southern Europe Corporate Affairs
    GSK Consumer Healthcare
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