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WorkPride panel (in Spanish): Olvidados dos veces, la historia no contada de los refugiados LGTBI+

Las empresas tienen un papel fundamental en la inclusión laboral de los refugiados LGTBI+. Aquellas personas que han buscado refugio por su orientación sexual o género. Hay 69 países en los cuales la homosexualidad está perseguida. Además de 12 países en los que conlleva pena de muerte. De la mano de la ONG Rescate y Google conoceremos el testimonio de un refugiado LGBTI+ y diferentes formas de colaborar con entidades que trabajan esta realidad.

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  • M
    Miguel Garzón
    Miguel Garzón
    Director para Iberia y Latinoamérica
    Director de myGwork en España y LatAm con una larga trayectoria profesional y de formación en Reino Unido y Sudáfrica. Experiencia tanto en el sector público como privado, liderando equipos profesionales.
  • M
    Israel Pedroza
    Israel Pedroza
    ONG Rescate
    I am Israel Pedroza Ramos, passionate about communication and voice over. My curiosity transcended borders and now I am dedicated to showing the best corners that Spain offers without having to invest a lot of money. In my channel you will also find advice on migration and matters of interest about asylum and refuge. What I have experienced in the first person I comment. Always from my experience: My channel on YouTube:
  • M
    Ana Abade Gil
    Ana Abade Gil
    Senior Public Policy Analyst
  • Valeria Paola Flores Viera
    Valeria Paola Flores Viera
    When I was 16 years old, I started as a volunteer in the Rainbow Association of Honduras. It was there that I discovered my rights as a trans woman. I proudly remember the beginnings of my participation in this leading organization in the defense of human rights in the country. I lived my transition in a country with few possibilities, macho, LGTBIphobic, but that also taught me to survive, to be an independent, strong woman. I had to stay alive and help other people. Little by little they were changing representatives or presidents in the organization. This happened for two reasons: either because they murdered us, or because we had to flee. Support and welcome trans women disowned by their families, demand a gender identity law, litigate archived cases of violence against trans people, or identify their bodies in morgues; it was part of my activist and vital involvement in the cause. At the same time, I experienced firsthand that violence that I denounced against all impunity, coming to suffer up to four assassination attempts. Every morning I woke up thanking God for being alive. But I also asked him to end the day soon without anyone hurting me or killing me. Today, I strengthen myself as an activist to continue fighting for the rights of LGTBI people, with a main focus such as trans women.
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