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WorkPride Panel: Start-Up Unicorns

According to McKinseys' latest estimate in Diversity and Inclusion - it is estimated that $12 trillion in additional GDP could be generated if the gender gap is narrowed by 2025 and $2 billion in potential revenue could be created if financial inclusion efforts broaden service for black Amercians.

Diversity wins? Is the business case for diversity and inclusion stronger than ever? How easy or difficult is it to build a diverse and inclusive organization culture? What is the future of D&I in the workplace after the global pandemic? 

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  • M
    Patrick McCrae
    Patrick McCrae
    Entrepreneur focussing on arts sector business with economic longevity and positive social impact. Great interest in how arts businesses can do good, give people purpose and be profitable. Built and run ARTIQ, a multi-million pound international art business. Set up in 2009 aged 21, opened new markets in 16 countries and diversified business across 11 industries. Built and grew artist and product representation from nothing to a roster of thousands of artists across multiple cultures and multiple disciplines resulting in millions paid to artists and makers. Mentor and investor to businesses and founders. Significant commercial expertise across leadership, long-term business resilience, fiscal business planning, internal/external marketing and communication, sales, market-making, HR and PR.
  • M
    Saski .
    Saski .
    LGBTQ+ Inclusion Specialist Consultant
    Saski is a well established LGBTQIA+ Inclusion training consultant in both schools and the workplace. She is also a Life Coach and Mentor,  Official PRIDE Host, Interviewer for Podcast, Radio and online. Panel Moderator and Singer.  Saski’s mission is to positively spotlight the LGBTQIA+ community through these various strands of her work and create environments where everyone can be their true authentic self.  In addition she is also a Pride ambassador for Pride Life Magazine, and a PRIDE365 Champion. Saski has the unique ability to be versatile on a wide range of subjects, whilst engaging both her audiences and panellists, bringing about the best conversations for education and awareness. Humour meets grace and knowledge meets’s what Saski does best.  A keen advocate for positive promotion and equal rights for the LGBTQ+ community and all, Saski has appeared on several BBC TV and Radio shows and panels, promoting inclusion. She has also worked closely with a variety of charities and organisations, as an LGBTQ+ Inclusion trainer, interviewer, and Host.  Collaborations include Inclusive Companies, MyGwork,, Diva Magazine, Pride Life Magazine and various UK PRIDE’s, Mermaids and Diversity Role Models Youth charities, Clexacon, The British Youth Council and P3 Parenting Network to name but a few.  
Find out more here  and follow Saski on Facebook & Instagram @Saskisinger & on Twitter @Saskisinger1
  • Luciana Cousin
    Luciana Cousin
    Director / Founder
    Across Rainbows
    Previously a business and marketing strategist and business coach, I founded Across Rainbows with my son Nick, a few years ago, but it was many years in the making. It was born from wanting to fix and improve what affected us personally: wasting too much of our energy and potential by trying to please other people’s expectations. We have an unrelenting determination and desire to transform the LGBTQ+ community so that every single LGBTQ+ person on the planet is heard, is visible, and is treated as a human being. I believe that nurturing and cultivating our LGBTQ+ identity, relationships and purpose help us to navigate through the world and our role in it, with resilience and creativity. I am a firm believer in the transformative power of connections, storytelling, kindness, and compassion and their ability to engage and inspire people to greatness.
  • Pete Howroyd
    Pete Howroyd
    SWAPI - Raising Seed Capital - Changing the game in Loyalty. Expert in Customer Loyalty Programs & CRM. Founder of SWAPI & The Loyalty People. International experience in both an executive and non-executive capacity. Significant experience in company due diligence, business strategy, customer transformation, change management, and restructuring.
  • Robyn Anderson
    Robyn Anderson
    Senior Director
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