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WorkPride Panel: The How and Why to Becoming an Executive Ally & Sponsor

A feeling of inclusivity and belonging is crucial for workers worldwide to feel good about themselves, especially now that we spend so much time at home and away from each other. Initiatives that foster a communal way of doing things can go a long way in attracting and retaining top talent, namely when such talent comes from the LGBTQ+ community.

Executives have an important role in building a strong culture of inclusivity through allyship. This panel aims to include a variety of executives who will discuss how they drive inclusion within their organizations, as well as how allyship has had an impact on their career progression. 

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  • Chris Baker
    Chris Baker
    Executive Vice President
  • Rachael Normanton
    Rachael Normanton
    Vice President, UK ASE Venture Lead
  • Laura Porter
    Laura Porter
    Managing Director
    Fitch Ratings
    Laura is head of Fitch’s global Public Finance and Infrastructure group. In this role, she leads an experienced, international team responsible for analytical coverage of a wide range of issuers and project financings, including local and regional governments, renewable energy, hospitals and life plan communities, higher education and nonprofit institutions, power and water & sewer utilities, housing authorities, airports, seaports, and toll roads. In addition to assigning and maintaining credit ratings, the group is responsible for research and commentary across these areas, as well as criteria development. Laura joined Fitch in 2005 following work in public finance investment banking. She was a vice president in the tax-exempt securities division at Morgan Stanley. Laura began her career at Fitch as a rating analyst for U.S. states, covering high profile credits across the country. She subsequently managed the states rating team, the combined state and local government rating portfolio, and the U.S. Public Finance analytical team. Laura is based in New York City. She earned a master’s degree in public and private management at the Yale School of Management, and a bachelor’s degree in economics at The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.
  • Aasha Tikoo
    Aasha Tikoo
    Director of Strategic Partnerships
  • Kevin Chance
    Kevin Chance
    Senior Vice President, Danaher Business System Office
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