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WorkPride: Workshop: Understanding Your Purpose, Values and Strengths

Coach & Learning expert, David Liversage is delighted to be teaming up with mygwork to deliver a series of workshops to help you with career development and personal growth.


David spent the first half of his career in marketing communications working for large media and advertising agencies, such as Omnicom, leading teams. His passion for helping people grow led to the second part of his career as a coach, learning and people development professional, running his own consultancy, working with clients such as Mr&Mrs Smith, London Evening Standard, Harper Collins and ITV.


The first workshop; “Understanding Your Purpose, Values and Strengths” will run on June 9th and June 29th from 5-6pm. It is a subject close to David’s heart as it has informed his own career decisions and growth. In this workshop you will learn;


  • Why discovering your sense of purpose is fundamental to your motivation and self-inspiration.
  • How to uncover your own personal purpose and align with organisations you choose to work for/with
  • How to reveal your 5 core values through your life and career experience to date
  • How your values can guide future decision making
  • What to do to discover your key strengths
  • How to play to your strengths to maximise your potential


Ahead of the workshop please complete this free strengths finder resource and bring the insights with you on the day. It only takes about 15-20 mins and try to go with your instinct and not over-analyse.

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