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2020 Presidential Candidate Joe Biden Says He Gets “More Credit For Marriage Equality Than I Deserve”

At a fundraiser hosted by gay philanthropist Tim Gill and his spouse Scott Miller and a crowd of about 200 people, democratic presidential candidate Joseph Biden said that he gets “more credit for marriage equality than I deserve”, the Washington Blade reports. 

In terms of LGBT+ policy, Biden once again expressed his support for the Equality Act saying: “The first bill I want to sign is the Equality Act because today you can be married in a number of states on Saturday and be fired on Monday when you go into work. And it’s gotta change. And most people don’t even know that. If we let them know that, we can change the law across the country.”

Gill, who supports Biden, emphasized Biden’s record at the fundraiser and said “America needs a president with that experience,” according to the pool report.

“And experience matters,” Gill said. “The ability to craft and pass legislation matters. The ability to rally people to your cause matters.”

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