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A Day In The Life Of: Shawn Scott

We invite you to learn about a day in the life of Shawn Scott from Vi Living.

Please tell us a bit about yourself and your career so far?

My name is Shawn Scott, and I have over 15 years of experience in Talent Acquisition and have worked in a variety of industries: language instruction, grocery retail and now senior living. In all of my roles, recruitment has been a huge part, and I absolutely love having the opportunity to get someone excited about a role and organization.

Can you tell us about your current role?

I’m currently a Talent Acquisition Manager at Vi where I manage a team of recruiters who support our communities with a variety of roles, but primarily our resident care roles. In addition, I manager our social media channels from the talent side, and I love being able to display my creativity there.

What does a typical day look like for you?

My days change, but I ensure that I am supporting my recruiters and attending weekly calls that they have with communities. I’m also looking at recruitment metrics to ensure our jobs are performing as they should and ensuring that my recruiters are using the resources provided for sourcing and recruitment. I also provide training on new systems and processes for our field partners as well as post on social media, etc. My days vary which makes them even more exciting.

What excites you the most about your work?

Number one, I love Vi as an organization. As I mention in the video, it is an organization that is committed to employee growth and development and one that is very transparent and collaborative. I love coming to work every day as we are an organization committed to providing the necessary tools and resources to do our jobs and to do them well. Also, my colleagues are incredible. I’ve never worked with a more professional and supportive team. We work hard, but we also ensure we have fun.

Have you learnt anything new since starting this job?

I’ve learned that it is important as a manager to provide all the necessary tools and resources, but then to follow up and to check in with your employees. I want my recruiters to feel comfortable coming to me for anything.

What made you want to pursue this profession?

Was it the career you always expected to take? I have a degree in French, and if you’d asked me if I would be in talent acquisition for a senior living company 20 years about out of college, I probably would’ve laughed. What I’ve learned is that a great recruiter can recruit for any position for any type or organization, and I’ve been able to do that throughout my career. Recruitment is in my blood.

As someone who is LGBTQ+, have you always felt supported at work?

It took me a number of years to open up about being a part of the LGBTQ+ community at work. Fortunately, I work in an organization that is diverse and celebrates that diversity. My manager and colleagues are the absolute best, and I am comfortable sharing my experiences and insight as a gay man. I hope that I can inspire others to feel open and do the same.

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