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A Man In Russia Is Suing Apple For ‘Turning Him Gay’

A man in Russia is suing Apple and seeking around $15,000 in damages claiming the tech company drove him to homosexuality, The Moscow Times report. 

After receiving 69 Gaycoins from an unknown sender on a cryptocurrency app he downloaded to his iPhone, the plaintiff, identified as D. Razumilov, accused Apple of “manipulatively pushing [him] toward homosexuality”.

“Don’t judge without trying” read the message that accompanied the cryptocurrency transfer.

Razumilov said: “I thought, indeed, how can I judge something without trying it? And decided to try same-sex relationships.

“I can say after the passage of two months that I’m mired in intimacy with a member of my own sex and can’t get out. I have a steady boyfriend and I don’t know how to explain it to my parents.

“After receiving the aforementioned message, my life has changed for the worse and will never be normal again.” 

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