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Alaska votes down anti-trans bathroom bill

The Alaskan city of Anchorage was voted to reject an anti-trans bathroom bill. The bill, called Proposition 1, would have required everyone in the city to only use the public bathroom that matches their assigned gender at birth. This essentially would have banned trans people from using that bathroom that matches their gender identity.

Around 77,000 people voted 53-47 against Proposition 1. This means the laws in Anchorage will remain in line with state legislature passed weeks ago protecting Alaskan LGBT+ people from discrimination.

The advocacy group Fair Anchorage tweeted in response to the victory: “We didn't just make history in Anchorage tonight. This victory will be felt nationwide—as the first time a jurisdiction has ever upheld trans protections on a stand-alone ballot measure! To every transgender person in Anchorage: This victory is yours. It's your stories and bravery that brought down Prop 1. We're all so proud to live in a city where everyone is treated fairly and equally under the law!”

While the Human Rights Campaign has said: “By voting #NoOnProp1, Anchorage has sent a powerful message that it is a welcoming and inclusive city for all, including transgender people.” 

Elias Rojas, the board president for Alaskans Together for Equality, has taken care to remind the LGBT+ community that “our work in Alaska is not done… Working side by side with partners like the Equality Federation, we will all look forward to the day when every LGBTQ Alaskan—and every LGBTQ visitor to Alaska—enjoys the protections that citizens of Anchorage affirmed this week.”


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