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An Assistant Principal Has Been Sued After He Forced Trans Student To “Pee In Front Of Him”

A trans student is suing the Harrison County Board of Education and an assistant principal from what he says is abusive treatment.

When the student asked to use the restroom before embarking on a long bus ride, and after he went towards the bathroom, the assistant principal was blocking his way. The student accuses the assistant principal of demanding from the student to use a urinal in front of him to prove that he belonged in that bathroom. The assistant principal has denied making that request.

Although the student and his family have made efforts to resolve this issue in the school and work together with the school to “implement better policies for respecting trans students”, there is no evidence that the school has followed through the agreed steps.

“Time and time again, we have attempted in good faith to work with Harrison County Schools to create a safe environment for Michael and others like him,” said Loree Stark, the legal director of the ACLU of West Virginia, “but school officials have not taken this seriously.”

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