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Author in China Sentenced to 10 Years in Prison for Writing Gay Sex Scene

It’s been reported that an author in China, known by the internet alias Tianyi, has been jailed for ten years for including a gay sex scene in her novel, reports South China Morning Post.


The novel ‘Occupation’ sold around 7,000 copies online and allegedly featured “graphic depictions of male homosexual sex scenes,” according to a TV station in Anhui.


(A copy of the book 'Occupation')

News of Tianyi’s harsh prison sentence has caused outrage on Weibo (China’s version of Facebook).


“10 years for a novel? That’s too much,” wrote one user.


“Those found guilty of rape get less than 10 years in jail. This writer gets 10 years,” pointed out another.


While homosexuality has been legal in China since 1997, LGBT+ people still have rampant discrimination and cannot marry or adopt children.


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