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Beyonce Shared A Fierce Drag Tribute By YouTuber Kalen Allen And We Love It

To celebrate the birthday of superstar Beyoncé YouTuber Kalen Allen created a seven-minute-long tribute to the highlights of her musical career.

Beyoncé shared the video with her fans on her Facebook page writing “Thank You”. The video has gotten over one million views in less that 24 hours.

Kalen Allen revealed that filming lasted two days with a team of 10 people.

“Growing up I used to do mini Beyoncé performances in school. Now that I had a platform and better resources I wanted to do it bigger and better,” he told BuzzFeed.

“I feel as though Beyoncé has reached the point in her career to which she deserves to be honoured and given her flowers. There is just something about the art she creates that is invigorating and absolutely mesmerising.”

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