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Buttigieg: There Was Almost Certainly a Gay US President Before

Openly gay Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg has said in a new interview for Axios on HBO that there was almost certainly a gay president before him.


In the interview, he was asked: “If you were to win the nomination, they’ll say you’re too young, too liberal, too gay to be commander in chief. You are young, you are liberal, you are gay. How will you respond?”



“I will respond by explaining where I want to lead this country,” Buttigieg replied.“People will elect the person who will make the best president, and we have had excellent presidents who have been young, we have had excellent presidents who have been liberal.


“I would imagine we’ve probably had excellent presidents who were gay, we just didn’t know which ones.”


He added that “statistically, it’s almost certain,” but that he couldn’t say which president was gay: “My gaydar even doesn’t work that well in the present, let alone retroactively. But one can only assume that’s the case.”

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