Caitlin Jenner Admits She Should Never Have Supported Trump
In an opinion piece published in The Washington Post on October 25, Caitlin Jenner has admitted she should never have thrown her support behind Donald Trump in the 2016 election.
“Believing that I could work with Trump and his administration to support our community was a mistake,”she wrote.
“My hope in him—in them—was misplaced, and I cannot support anyone who is working against our community.
“I do not support Trump. I must learn from my mistakes and move forward.”
“The recently leaked Department of Health and Human Services memo that suggests—preposterously and unscientifically—that the government ought to link gender to one’s genitalia at birth is just one more example in a pattern of political attacks,” she continues.
“One doesn’t need to look back far to witness the president assault our nation’s guardians with a ban on trans people serving in the military or assail our nation’s future with a rollback of Obama-era protections for trans schoolchildren.
“It’s clear these policies have come directly from Trump, and they have been sanctioned, passively or actively, by the Republicans by whose continued support he governs.”
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