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Catholic high school fires lesbian softball coach for wanting to get married

A catholic high school in Michigan has fired a softball coach for announcing her engagement to another woman. Kristen Nelson had worked at the school for five years and had graduated from the school in 2008. When her lesbian engagement became known the school told her she would not have her job anymore if she chose to marry a woman. So, Nelson quit.

“It was made known to me that my future plans to marry my partner, Maria, were ‘concerning’ to them,” she said in a Facebook post, “I always wanted and intended to give back to the community my family and I have always loved and supported. Although I feel, and believe you would agree, my sexual orientation has never conflicted or hindered my ability to perform my coaching duties, unfortunately, leadership does not agree as such, and I no longer feel welcome.” 

West Catholic High School responded with their own Facebook post: ‘When someone is living outside of Church teaching or participating in behavior not in line with Church teaching and makes it known publicly, they cannot fulfil their primary mission to lead by example,’ 

“It does not mean that we are judging this individual or that she is not a welcome and beloved member of our community. She is. The public act of same-sex marriage, not her same-sex attraction, is the focus of Church teaching. It is not only people who experience same-sex attraction who are called to live chastely, but all of us. No one is excluded from the call of Christ. The teachings of the Church are written for happiness.” 

Nelson’s partner, Maria Roberts, countered: “Your students will remember this, their parents will remember this. The players will remember how you pushed away their coach, how you ripped a role model from their lives, how you made it clear that you may preach love but contradict yourself time and time again.”

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