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Christian Pastor Fights for Right to Marry Same-Sex Partners in Hong Kong

A transgender Christian pastor is fighting for his right to officiate same-sex weddings in Hong Kong, reports the Reuters Foundation.


Marrz Balaoro, who himself is transgender, has said he has been holding same-sex weddings in secret, but he wants to be able to officiate them openly.


In Balaoro’s legal challenge he is arguing that his congregation is being denied freedom to worship because of the ban on equal marriage.


“All we ask for is to be allowed to worship and practise our religious faith in the eyes of God, free from the threat of persecutiohe said.


“I asked (the police) for a written confirmation that I would not get arrested when I officiate a holy union again and they refused.


“We cannot do it in the open because of fear of arrest.”


Homosexuality was decriminalised on the island country in 1991 but equal marriage remains illegal. 

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