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Danish Hockey Player Jon-Lee Olsen Comes Out And Makes History

Danish hockey player John-Lee Olsen came out during a live interview with the Danish news program ‘Go’aften’. This made him the first professional male Danish ice hockey player to come out and only the third male professional hockey player to come out in the world.

“There’s a risk that some people might shout and heckle me while I’m playing matches,” he said. 

“It’s something I have to be ready for and be mature about. But I feel that I’m ready to show that you can be gay and play ice hockey.”

‘Out’ reports that “Olsen, who serves as goaltender for Rungsted Seier Capital, finally came out to teammates in August after years of pretending to date girls and hiding who he really was. He sent a text telling them that he “had something [he wanted] to get off [his] chest,” adding that he hoped the information wouldn’t “change anything.”

Talking about his teammates' reactions he said:

“They wrote that they had great respect for the fact that I dared to say it, and that I was still just me,” adding that it’s actually made the group even closer: “I think there is more openness among us now. Now we can talk freely about the same things from everyday life — without a filter.”

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