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'Doctor Who' actor David Tennant rebuffs anti-trans bigot in bold speech

Former Doctor Who star David Tennant recently directed anti-trans bigots to “f—k off and let people be,” met with much enthusiasm from trans people!

In an era when trans and nonbinary individuals are increasingly targeted by conservative agendas globally, and notable figures like J.K. Rowling openly disseminate anti-LGBTQ+ rhetoric, it’s invigorating to see actor David Tennant, who is also the proud parent of a nonbinary child, defend this vulnerable group. 

On May 5, Tennant, known for his role as the 10th Doctor on Doctor Who, spoke at the Proud Nerds: Angels, Demons and Doctors convention in Germany. During a discussion on gender expression, as reported by The Pink News, Tennant shared insights into his evolving understanding of non-binary identities. “When I was a kid, the idea of being non-binary didn’t exist. It’s a concept I’ve seen take shape, allowing people to express themselves. From what I can see, it has always been positive,” he commented in a TikTok video that gained over 40,000 likes.

Tennant has consistently voiced his support for trans rights. Promoting Good Omens, he donned a rainbow lapel pin and a t-shirt stating, “Leave trans kids alone, you absolute freaks,” during a press event, capturing attention with an Instagram post about it. He has also worn a range of Pride pins, including one of the nonbinary flag and another depicting a Tardis. Additionally, he commemorated last year's Transgender Day of Remembrance by wearing a pin on the One Show, supporting The Albert Kennedy Trust, an LGBTQ+ youth charity. 

Image Credit: Canva

Reflecting on his teenage years, Tennant recalled the political weaponisation of gay rights, describing it as “ugly and nasty.” He remarked in a video, “Looking back, 30 years later, it's clear those opposing were on the wrong side of history.”

He later highlighted that similar tactics are now being used by mostly right-wing groups to stir discord and division unnecessarily. “It’s simply about people being themselves. You don’t need to worry about it. F**k off and let people be,” he expressed, earning laughter and applause.

Now 53, Tennant emphasised his desire for people to freely be themselves, noting that the ways people express their gender identity and sexuality have become more nuanced and that this progression is undoubtedly positive. “If that helps individuals recognize, declare, and convey their identity to the world, it's simply common sense.”

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