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Embracing neurodiversity: a professional's journey at Charles River Laboratories

Steven Croucher, Cash Wager at Charles River Laboratories, spoke to myGwork about his experience of being neurodivergent in the workplace. From navigating challenges to sharing achievements, Steven also describes the employees and figures that have influenced him throughout his career so far.

Hi Steven, thanks for chatting with us - tell us a bit more about yourself.


My name is Steven Croucher and I have been employed at Charles River Laboratories (CRL) for the last three years. I work at the Senneville, Quebec site in the Vivarium Department as a Cage Washer. When I am not working, I enjoy playing video games, swimming, and traveling.


Can you share your experiences as a neurodiverse person in the workplace, particularly any challenges you have faced and how you have overcome them?


I was challenged from the very start at CRL! I applied to CRL for one role but my trainer, Peter, recognized my difficulties and suggested a different area of work. He didn’t give up and neither did I.


In what ways do you believe being neurodiverse impacts your experiences in the workplace, and how do you navigate any unique challenges that arise?


Neurodiversity is a word to describe how people’s brains work. Being Neurodivergent means that your brain works differently from the average brain. The most common diversities often referred to are the autism spectrum, ADHD, dyslexia, and other learning disabilities.


In my case, I developed a brain stem tumour, which was treated with two resections, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy. As a result, it affected how my brain operates. Additionally, my balance, coordination and vision were also impacted. Being Neurodiverse is noticeable in my case.


Share with us some personal successes or achievements you are proud of as a neurodiverse person in your professional life.


Attributes that are extremely valued in the workplace such as multitasking and organizational skills are very difficult for me. I am extremely proud of the fact that I was able to complete my training as a Cage Washer and become a valued team member of the Vivarium staff at CRL.


Quote from Steven’s manager:


Steven is a reliable, punctual employee who makes sure he delivers quality work and does not allow himself to cut corners. The training department was able to recognize that his skills would be put to better use in the Vivarium.


Can you share any personal or professional role models who have inspired and influenced your journey as a neurodiverse person in the workplace, especially during Neurodiversity Week?


In my time at CRL I have been very fortunate to work with not only one good trainer but two! Peter did not give up on me but helped me find work that was better suited to my capabilities and Alain had the patience and kindness to teach me the necessary steps to complete the work as a Cage Washer. I am proud to work at CRL, an employer that embraces Neurodiversity. 

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