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Facebook Targeted Gay Teens with Ads for Conversion Therapy

Facebook has been targeting young LGBT+ people with ads for gay cure therapy, reports The Telegraph.


Young LGBT+ people reported seeing the ads, which promoted “sexual purity.” When they clicked on “why am I seeing this?” Facebook responded that the user had shown an interest in “gender issues.”


Speaking to The Telegraph Alystair Ryder said he felt “shaken” by the ads.


“It was written in a way to try to appeal to people who may be depressed or self-loathing due to their sexuality,” he added.


“I think it’s pretty irresponsible for Facebook to allow an advert that preys on gay men with mental health issues in such a negative way on their homepage.”


Facebook has since blamed a “micro-targeting algorithm”, and has said the ads were a mistake. They have now removed the ads from young LGBT+ people’s feeds.


Still, users feel the mistake should never have happened in the first place.


Tessa Ann Schwartz told The Telegraph: “I don’t know why Facebook has permitted this group to target LGBT people, who have intentionally sought out community and education amongst peers, for shaming and hatred masked as love.”

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