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Florence Become a Founding Member of the Care Workers’ Charity £500 Challenge

Florence has taken a significant step towards supporting care workers in financial hardship. As a founding member of the CareWorkers' Charity £500 Challenge, Florence has committed to donating £500 per year to this worthy cause. This initiative aims to provide much-needed assistance to care workers facing financial difficulties.

By joining this challenge, Florence demonstrates their unwavering commitment to the well-being and support of their dedicated care workers. It is with great pride that Florence announces their participation in the CareWorkers' Charity £500 Challenge, affirming their dedication to making a positive impact in the lives of those who provide essential care to others.

Why the £500 Challenge is so needed

Social care is experiencing a workforce crisis, and it is important now more than ever to recognise the value and contribution of care workers across the UK. We’re taking part to make sure care workers have a helping hand during these difficult times. The Care Workers’ Charity has made over 6000 grants to care workers since 2020, and is seeing higher demand than ever from those needing help. If one in ten organisations providing and organising care in the UK accepted the £500 Challenge, they could raise £2.5 million per year to support care workers.

How to join the £500 Challenge

Go to the £500 Challenge donation page now to give what you can. We urge adult social care organisations to accept this challenge and show that they really care about supporting the people who make up our essential workforce. It's our responsibility to make sure care workers are supported to stay in their jobs and have a place to go in times of crisis.

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