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Illinois Adds LGBT+ History in School Curriculum

A law has been passed in Illinois requiring state schools to teach the contributions and roles go LGBT+ people in American History.

Democrat Illinois Governor J. B. Pritzker has signed off the bill which was passed by the Senate on March this year. 

The new bill requires all state schools to include “the role and contributions of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people in the history of this country and this State” in their textbooks. 

“We think all students are better off when we teach them the full breadth of history," said Brian Johnson, the CEO of the LGBT organization Equality Illinois, of the bill. "It makes them more likely to understand that a diverse cast has contributed to our society.”

Supporters of the bill argue that the new curriculum will help restrain anti LGBT+ bullying in schools.

Democratic State Sen. Heather Steans, who sponsored the legislation, put it in simple yet relatable words, stating previously “one of the best ways to overcome intolerance is through education and exposure to different people and viewpoints.”

She continues “An inclusive curriculum will not only teach an accurate version of history but also promote acceptance of the LGBTQ community”. 

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