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Indonesian province publically canes two men for having gay sex

The Aceh province in Indonesia continues its crackdown on LGBT+ people by publicly caning two men who had sex with each other. The two men were included in the public canings of 13 others who were convicted of various crimes. They were sentenced to 87 lashes each for the crime of sodomy while a crowd of more than 300 cheered on.

Aceh is a Muslim-majority province of Indonesia and follows strict Sharia Law. It is common for public beatings to be carried out for crimes like theft, gambling, adultery, and homosexuality. In 2016, more than 330 people were publically canned in Aceh.

Earlier this year Aceh banned trans women from working in salons. In Indonesia working in salons is one of the few ways a trans woman can make money. The government has stated that any beauty business that is owned or employees trans people will have its permit pulled. This comes after a group of transgendered women were rounded up from local salons and taken to a public area where they were paraded around, forced to wear men’s clothes, and had their heads shaved.

Homosexuality is still considered a mental disorder in the country.

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