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Italian Government Blocks University Study on Homophobia for “Promoting Sexual Fluidity”

The Italian government has stopped a survey about homophobia from the University of Perugia for “promoting sexual fluidity,” reports European Interest.


The survey aimed to ask teenagers in Umbria a series of questions relating to gay rights, women’s rights and migration. The respondents would be asked to identify their nationality, religious beliefs, political affiliation and their sexual orientation on a scale of “exclusively heterosexual, predominantly heterosexual, bisexual, predominantly homosexual, exclusively homosexual, asexual.”


They would be asked whether they agreed to statements like: “Women get offended too easily,” “homosexuality is a psychological disorder,” and “immigrants take Italians’ jobs.”


The survey would also ask respondents about any instances of bullying they may have suffered.


The survey was protested by local politicians, with regional councillor Claudio Riccisaying it would infringe on families’“educational freedom” on the “very delicate” issue of sexual orientation. 


“(It) implies a message of uncritical approval of sexual fluidity.”


“Hiding behind the fig leaf of homophobia, the survey seems to actually want to promote a style of sexual fluidity,”said Senator Simone Pillonwhen news of the survey spiralled to national levels.


Education minister Marco Bussettigave into the controversy and told the university to stop the survey.

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