Laverne Cox: “I’m done debating whether trans is real. I’m real.”
LGBT+ activist Laverne Cox spoke recently on the podcast LGBTQ&A which focuses on LGBT+ history.
According to Gay Times, Cox, while on the subject of the three cases heading to the Supreme Court and whether someone can be fired for being LGBT+ said: “I’m just done debating my existence. I’m done debating whether trans is real. I’m real.
“I’m sitting here and I have lived experiences as a woman, as a woman of trans experience, as a black woman, and so I’m done with that and I know a lot of trans folks are done with that.”
“I was thinking about this now as I prepare to talk more about the Title VII case that’s going to the Supreme Court on October 8 and there are amicus briefs that are being submitted to the Supreme Court by folks who think it should be legal to discriminate against the LGBTQ+ community in employment.
“They’re basically debating the legitimacy of trans people, right? That there’s no such thing as being non-binary or trans and I’m just like, ‘I’m not interested in debating my identity or existence anymore.’
“At stake with Title VII is really, is it legal to discriminate against LGBTQ people? And I don’t think that’s the issue. I think the issue is, should it be legal to discriminate against anyone in this country? And I say no.”
She added: “We don’t need to debate trans existence. We need to say that we shouldn’t be discriminating against people because of who they are.”
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