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LGBT+ Groups Fight Against COVID-19 Discrimination

At least 170 LGBT+ organisations in the US have released a joint letter to health care and public policy leaders calling on them to end discrimination in both the treatment as well as the prevention of the coronavirus. In the letter LGBT+ health advocates also request the collection of data on the sexual orientation and gender identity of patients testing positive, along with the date collected on race, ethnicity, age, sex and disability. 

Laura Durso, Chief Learning Officer of the Whitman-Walker Institute, part of a coalition of six national and local LGBTQ organizations that initiated and coordinated the joint letter, stated that “Whitman-Walker and other community health centers that care for LGBTQ+ patients and others in marginalized communities have many patients who are understandably fearful of neglect or mistreatment in this pandemic.

“We are committed to protecting those who are bearing the brunt of the pandemic’s economic devastation.”

This letter is not the first of it’s kind to be sent out, pleading for healthcare equality. The previous joint letter pointed out to health care providers that LGBT+ people may be at greater risk of getting the coronavirus. The reason for that is certain risk factors such as a higher rate of tobacco use, higher HIV infection rates and a greater likelihood of being subjected to healthcare discrimination. 

“There is a long history of discrimination against LGBTQ+ people in the health care system,” the letter states. “Even when they do not encounter overt discrimination, too many LGBTQ+ individuals and families experience a lack of understanding, unwelcoming attitudes, and even hostility from health care providers and staff.

“In high-stress situations with looming threats of shortages of life-saving medical equipment, hospital beds and health care staff, the danger of implicit if not explicit bias against queer patients in especially worrisome,” the letter continues.

As ‘Pride Source’ reports, the letter calls on federal, state and local public health authorities, health care institutions, and government officials to take a “clear, strong, and public stand against any discrimination in this pandemic, whether based on sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, race, ethnicity, national origin, immigration status, religion, or disability.” 

It explicitly states that nondiscrimination provisions covering sexual orientation, gender identity and the other categories should be included in all COVID-19 response legislation.

Read related myGwork articles here:

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