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lululemon | In Conversation with John Le, Senior Director, Health & Wealth

At lululemon, we believe in holistic wellbeing. We know there are daily things we can do to feel better, both physically and mentally.  Some choose to move their bodies, others meditate to still their minds.  Some find peace being active in their community, others prefer the solace found in nature.

As for our employees’ take on what being well means to them, we asked John Le, Senior Director, Health & Wealth, who is based out of our Seattle Store Support Centre (SSC), what he had to say. See his responses below ↓

1. What is your favourite thing you do every day to pursue wellbeing?

Sweating every day! Whether that be a run or weightlifting, starting my day with a sweat is important for my wellbeing.

2. Can you explain why this is important to you and the positive affect it has on your overall wellbeing?

When I think of wellbeing, I think of several other words often associated with wellbeing: social, physical, mental, etc. They’re all important and while exercising/sweating obviously supports my physical wellbeing, it also very much supports my mental wellbeing. Everyone has so many (competing) claims on their time, so my morning sweats are truly “me” time.

3. What does wellness mean to you?

I mentioned social, physical, and mental wellbeing. Wellness, to me, is optimizing in all of those areas, whatever that means for oneself. Besides supporting my physical and mental wellbeing with daily sweat, I also crave social connection and I get that through connecting with colleagues, friends, and loved ones.

4. John, please complete the following sentence in your own words.

One of my favourite benefits or initiatives that lululemon offers its employees is…our Employee Assistance Program (EAP) and in the US, that is Lyra. In my role, I partner with Lyra to bring mental wellbeing resources to our employees, and I’ve also personally used them as an employee.

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